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4 Reasons Why You Should Move Your Family to Brazil

Relocating to a new country is never an easy task, and the many new intricate details to learn – the language, culture, rules and regulations – can make for a complicated transition. Despite all the difficulties, many people choose to embark on this incredible adventure. Moving to a new country by yourself is one thing, but relocating with children is a completely new challenge. If you have chosen Brazil as your next destination and happen to have kids, these tips should help on your path to stability for you and your family:

Natal and Brasilia are Ideal Locations for Families Abroad

Photo by Beraldo Leal/Flickr


Natal is the capital city of Rio Grande, a state located northeast of Brazil. It is regarded as the safest city city in the country by IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research of Brazil). Most of the restaurants and hotels are located in an avenue, Via Consteira (‘Coastal Way’ in English), located along the beachfront surrounded by sand dunes, which is indicative of the city’s improvements in touristic infrastructure with a focus on the conservation of its natural heritage. It is a festive city that attracts more than 2 million tourists per year, and a gateway to the nearby beaches of Estado del Rio Grande del Norte. It’s also home to one of the biggest celebrations during carnival season called Carnatal, which has a distinctive regional flavor. Social activities and safety aside, emphasis is also heavily placed on education – there are a number of  well respected elementary schools to choose from as well as two major universities; the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and the Federal Centre of Technological Education of Rio do Grande Norte.


Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, is located in the central part of the country. It has a stable climate, several sightseeing options such as museums and stadiums, and its rich economy is dominated by two main sectors: services and industries. In both cities Portuguese is the official language taught in primary schools, although English is incorporated when the children are 6 years old. Unlike Natal however, Brasilia has three international schools – American School of Brasilia, Swiss International School  and Brasilia International. While these schools follow the same curriculum as the rest of the country, the emphasis on English will make it much easier for children to integrate into international schools, colleges, and job markets later on in life.

Children Get To Choose From Healthy Brazilian Hobbies

Children need activities to keep their minds active and their soul’s content. These Brazilian hobbies (along with learning the language) will help them integrate into their new surroundings and culture. A popular activity for girls is craft making, and there are tons of traditional jewellery items that can be created. But there’s nothing more significant of the rythym of Brazil than the samba. The national folkloric dance has a richness in its beats derived from its african roots – girls (and boys) will be able to get into the local groove in no time.

While every Brazilian boy is crazy about football, which is practiced on the streets at any time of the day or night, there’s another activity that may appeal to both boys and girls: Capoeira. A cool combination of martial arts, tradition and dance, it’s usually performed on the beach where participants use various movements against another who kicks to the beat of music using karate or judo techniques. One child tries to connect with the other who has to dodge the blows of his/her opponent.

Parents Get to Work in Multinational Companies

Parents who are qualified and looking for a job should focus on Brazilian multinational companies. It’s estimated that 69% of these companies are lacking skilled labor, particularly in construction. While Brazil is currently looking to maintain strong economic relations, both small companies and large multinationals are looking to hire skilled foreign labor. If you happen to be working in a US company, find out if it has a ‘member company’ in Brazil – secure your job before you go and get off on the right foot.

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Portuguese is a Source of Professional Worldwide Integration

People used to study Portuguese mainly out of curiosity or interest in its culture. This has changed and nowadays learning the language is essential for businesses and international relations. The need of Portuguese in the US, for example, for professionals has intensified the demand for adequate training centers. In a globalized world managing a second language has become vital, and with 270 million people speaking Portuguese, the language has become the 8th most spoken worldwide. Moving to Brazil with kids is a unique opportunity, and one that could greatly improve on their futures – introducing your children to a new culture and new language, is not something that should be taken for granted.

If you decide to travel to Brazil fully prepared – by learning the language beforehand, securing a job, choosing the right city, and making sure your children will be happy – the process will be a pleasant learning (and living!) adventure.

Test your current Portuguese level with our Level Test before you embark on this exciting journey; feeling confident your language skills will speed up your progress and ability to integrate abroad.