Language Travel ScholarshipVOTE FOR:

Samantha Swingler

31 years old
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When I was a kid, I traveled with my family to Guatemala. I remember very specific things about the land, people, and experiences while visiting. I remember the water shooting up from underneath the boat as we were ferried across. I remember dancing with a friendly elderly gentleman and acquaintance of the family who proceeded to place a red rose in my hair (even though I removed it several times lol). I remember getting the runs due to my body not being that familiar with certain foods and liquids native to the area. All in all, I remember wishing I remembered more, stayed longer, and experienced all that country had to offer. I am returning to school in the fall 2021, for a double degree in Media & Communications and Graphic Design.

Samantha is one step away from getting the $3,000 USD
Travel Scholarship and your vote matters!

Note: You will receive an automated email to confirm your vote. Email is valid for 24 hrs. You can only vote for one candidate

To give Samantha an even better chance to win, Answer 3 or more questions correctly from the Spanish or Portuguese Level Tests (Spanish or Portuguese) and YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT AS A DOUBLE!

Level Test
Level Test

1. Lima ...... en Perú, ...... la capital del país.

a. está / es
b. está / está
c. es / está
d. es / es

2. El sofá es ...... y muy .......

a. roja / gran
b. rojo / grande
c. roja / grande
d. rojo / gran

3. Mis abuelos ...... más de 80 años.

a. son
b. tienen
c. es
d. tiene

1. Quem ...... eu?

a. sou
b. somos
c. é
d. são

2. Como é que você ....... ?

a. chama-se
b. se chama
c. te chamas
d. chama

3. Os meus pais ...... um apartamento em Londres.

a. têm
b. tem
c. tens
d. temos
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