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Ig-pay atin-lay or Loffelsprache

Pig Latin (Ig-pay atin-lay) is the simple “language” (or more accurately code) we learn as kids to try and confuse our elders.

But did you know that other languages have their own version of Pig Latin? German-speakers have Loffelsprache for example:

In German Löffelsprache, or “spoon language,” a “lew,” “lef” or “lev” is inserted between duplicated vowels. Guten Morgen! becomes out Gulewutelewen Moleworgelewen! Got it? Now try it on one of those famously long German compound words—say, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (industrial engineering). On second thought, you might have to actually be an industrial engineer to do that… (Source: Mental Floss)

If learning Loffelsprache is a bit beyond you, perhaps you’d prefer trying to learn regular German first with some German lessons in New York.