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Words the Internet gave English

This is a fun article, identifying new words that have come from the Internet and the stories behind them.

A personal favourite that I find very useful is number 8:

There’s a special place in my heart for the supremely useful three letters of “meh”, which express an almost infinitely flexible contemporary species of indifference. In its basic exclamatory form, it suggests something along the lines of “OK, whatever”. As an adjective, it takes on a more ineffable flavour: “it was all very meh”. You can even use it as a noun: “I stand by my meh.” Apparently first recorded in a 1995 episode of The Simpsons, some theories trace meh back to the disdainful Yiddish term mnyeh. Its ascent towards canonical status, though, embodies a thoroughly digital breed of boredom. (Source: Guardian)

I wonder what the equivalent of ‘meh’ is in other languages? Perhaps someone taking Italian classes in Chicago can tell us!